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Choice Enrollment

Choice Lottery for 2025-2026

The Choice Lottery is scheduled to run on Wednesday, January 29, 2025. Results will be sent via e-mail beginning on Monday, February 3rd with all notices completed by the end of business day on Tuesday, February 4, 2025. TK Choice seats were only offered at dedicated magnet sites which rely solely on Choice enrollment (Barnard, Longfellow, Language Academy, Muir, and Mountain View). Resident schools will receive TK Choice seats after resident enrollment begins in March where space is available.

*Dates are subject to change without notice. Any updates will be posted here 

 Now Accepting Choice Applications for 2025-2026

The Priority Choice Application Window for the 2025-2026 school year is now open and closes on Monday, November 4, 2024. Remember it is not on a first come, first served basis. A lottery will be conducted in January 2025 with email notifications to families soon after.

apply button

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Choice Parent Workshops via Zoom

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.


 Zoom ID: 813 7837 4938

(ID is for all Zoom presentations)


discover san diego schools





Discover San Diego Schools


Explore enrollment options and learn more about the different programs available to families - the brand-new Discover digital guide makes it easier than ever before!

The Discover guide allows parents to easily find and learn more about their neighborhood school, as well as create customized searches based on the factors most important to their family, including:

As we continue to add information to this new digital guide, we hope all parents will explore the tool and share their thoughts on how we can continue to improve. Please send any feedback to

[email protected].


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Choice Enrollment Policies

School Choice provides enrollment for students in a school other than their neighborhood school.


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Choice Priorities

Apply during the Choice Window for priority consideration.


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magnet schools




Magnet Programs

Magnet schools offer students a unique opportunity for in-depth studies in a specific area of interest.


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The Voluntary Enrollment Exchange Program (VEEP) offers enrollment in a different community, in approved pattern schools. 


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Choice Presentation Cover 


frequently asked questions


Choice Application Parent Guide

View this year's Choice presentation.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to apply to enroll in my neighborhood school?


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For schools that currently provide a Special Education Moderate/Severe separate setting by area, please click on one of the following links:

High School ESN Sites Middle School ESN Sites Area A - ESN Sites

Area B - ESN Sites Area C - ESN Sites Area D - ESN Sites Area E - ESN Sites


Transportation for all programs is limited. Transportation provided per an IEP as a related service is only provided to the pupil's school of residence, or school of assignment by the Special Education department. It is not provided to a school of Choice. Parents who apply to a school other than the resident school or school of assignment waive the right to transportation as a related service. More information about transportation.


Charters operate independently of the San Diego Unified. Each school has its own enrollment and admissions procedures. For information about how to enroll your child in a charter school, please contact the charter school(s) directly.


Beginning in school year 2025-2026, all resident children turning 4 by September 1st will be eligible for enrollment in  Universal Transitional Kindergarten.

While parents are welcome to apply for Choice to UTK, we anticipate that seats will be limited.  Parents are urged, therefore, to pre-enroll in the school of residence in addition to applying for Choice for the best chance at an offer of enrollment in the preferred school(s).  

For school year 2024-2025, UTK is offered at all elementary schools with the exception of Language Academy, and Mt. Everest. 

For school year 2025-26 the following dedicated Magnet schools will only enroll UTK pupils via Choice, as these schools do not have traditional boundaries:  Barnard, Language Academy, Longfellow, Mountain View, and Muir Language Academy. 

 To learn more about UTK, please visit the UTK webpage.  For a list of school sites currently offering UTK, please click here: UTK Sites.  


If you received notice of an offer of Choice enrollment, or wish to follow up on an offer that you did not respond to, please contact the site enrollment staff to confirm school of Choice via email. For a list of enrollment staff names and email addresses for each school site, please click here.



To help you determine the changes of your child being accepted at the first Choice school, refer to the historical data, linked below.

(Note: This recent historical information is for reference only, and not a guarantee of acceptance rates since the number of applications received varies year to year.)


Previous Enrollment Guide

choice guide english pdfchoice guide spanish.pdf