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Voluntary Enrollment Exchange Program (VEEP)

VEEP offers limited transportation to encourage students from one community to attend approved pattern schools outside their neighborhood. Eligibility is determined by the student’s geographic elementary school of residence, regardless of school of attendance, and by space availability. The program is open to middle and high school students residing within a specific boundary of a school that has an approved VEEP pattern. 
  • Once accepted, students may continue through the regular feeder pattern (elementary to middle school and middle to high school) without reapplying. Transportation is provided as long as the student resides in the VEEP pattern school and all transportation guidelines are met. Transportation is limited and may be reduced based on final budgetary decisions. VEEP Boundary Patterns for 2023-2024 School Year.

  • Transportation guidelines for ridership apply.


Transportation in SDUSD is limited. Only district residents who are accepted into a dedicated Magnet or VEEP program are qualified riders, and distance out and minimum ridership rules apply. No transportation is available to pupils enrolled via Choice (includes in district and out of district residents). There is no "space available" transportation offered to any enrollees.