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The implementation of this will be a gradual process in order to give our schools time to align site policies and procedures to the updated AR 5121. For this school year, schools are being asked to focus on the following key elements:


  1. Removing nonacademic factors from the academic grade
  2. Providing opportunities for revision and reassessment

Site leaders will collaborate with their department or grade-level teams to remove non-academic factors from the academic grade and also provide opportunities for revision and reassessment.


Over the next few weeks, educators will communicate with families the type, frequency, and timeframe for revisions and reassessments. Educators, sites, departments and grade-level teams will determine which assignments can be revised or reassessed in order to provide students with more than one opportunity to demonstrate mastery of the content-area standards. Due dates for class assignments, late submissions, revisions and reassessments will also be established in order to give educators enough time to enter assignments into the final grade.

During the 2020-21 school year, we will collaborate with our educators, administrators, and IT department to align PowerSchool to the new grading and citizenship definitions as well as refine the grading comments to incorporate standards-based feedback and progress. See the chart below for a general overview of our implementation plan:

Year 1

Year 2


  • Provide opportunities for revision and reassessment
  • Remove non-academic factors from academic grades
  • Update academic and citizenship marks in PowerSchool
  • Align comments to standards-based reporting in PowerSchool
  • Provide training, materials, and ongoing support for standards-based grading


  • Use updated academic and citizenship marks
  • Provide standards-based feedback and comments
  • Utilize proficiency scales or standards-aligned rubrics to communicate progress towards mastery of standards
  • Provide training, materials, and ongoing support for standards-based grading