San Diego Unified Vision 2020 is committed to providing quality schools in every neighborhood by promoting student achievement, establishing schools as learning centers, supporting effective teaching, engaging parents/community in learning, and facilitating effective communication. The implementation of the Wellness Policy promotes student wellness, proper nutrition, nutrition education, and regular physical activity as part of the total learning experience which supports Vision 2020.
The federal government has initiated laws that set standards for improved school meals and requires school districts to follow specific criteria in order to create unique wellness policies.
Our Wellness Policy is the document that complies with the federal law. The Wellness Policy incorporates all components of the Coordinated School Health Model and federal mandates.
San Diego Unified Framework for Wellness is the implementation plan of the required Wellness Policy.
Coordinated School Health Model:
- Health Education
- Health Services
- Physical Education
- Physical Activity
- Nutrition Services
- Social-Emotional Wellness
- Healthy and Safe School Environment
- Staff Wellness
- Family & Community Involvement
Memo to Parents & Staff - Wellness Policy Implementation
Wellness Policy Trifold