International Student Exchange Program
San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) enrolls international students only via the International Student Exchange process, which requires the sponsoring agency to be on the International Student Exchange Visitor Placement Organizations registry. Applications must be submitted by May 1 for consideration for the following fall semester and October 1 for the following spring semester. Enrollment is only possible at the neighborhood school of the host family. Since SDUSD is not a sponsoring agency, SDUSD does not issue or manage any immigration paperwork.
Application Screening Criteria & Submission Process
Sponsoring Agency Role
The sponsoring agency must submit comprehensive individual student exchange applications within required timelines.
- Biography
- Health Data
- Letters Of Endorsement
- Academic Data
- Personal Statements
- Photos
- English Proficiency Level
NSEO Responsibility
- Reviews applications for completeness
- Screens the application data to ensure student meets standards for success
- Contacts high school in attendance area of host family
- Forwards application to principal for review
- If approved, contacts agency to move forward with enrollment for one to two semesters
- Ensures timelines are observed as there are no exceptions
School Responsibility
Enroll students whose applications have been screened by NSEO, and whose principal approves the enrollment.
- Reviews student transcripts
- Determines appropriate course of study
- Works directly with host family for a positive student exchange experience
- Keeps NSEO informed of any concerns with student or agency
International Student Exchange Applicants
San Diego Unified School District enrolls international students who are participating in formal international exchange programs through one of the agencies on the Registry of International Student Exchange Visitor Placement Organizations published on the California Department of Justice website at
To be considered for an international student exchange enrollment, a student must apply through one of the approved agencies on the registry. We do not enroll informal international student visitors and we do not collect funds from international students.
Please note: International exchange student grade level placement is determined by the school of enrollment based on transcript analysis. There is no guarantee of participation in extracurricular activities (CIF sports, etc.), senior activities (if credit analysis indicates the student is not at senior level), or graduation. International exchange students are subject to the same criteria for special activities as resident students.
International students who establish residency in our district
may be enrolled if:
- they are under 18 years old
- they have not graduated from high school in their native country
- they are going to establish residency for a minimum of one full semester
*If the student is establishing residency in San Diego, is under 18, and has been continuously in school, the student may also be enrolled in the neighborhood high school as a resident.
may NOT be enrolled if:
- they are over 18 years old
- they have a diploma from their home, and/or
- they are visiting temporarily for less than one full semester
*If the applicant is not currently enrolled in school, or will be over 18, we cannot enroll the applicant, but could refer the applicant to our Adult Education programs or to the community college district.
Sponsored students are entitled to enroll in the school based on the host family's address.
Application Criteria
The sponsoring agency must submit individual student exchange applications, which are extremely comprehensive, including:
- Biographies
- Health Data
- Letters Of Endorsement
- Academic Data
- Personal Statements
- Photos
- English proficiency levels
Application Timelines
There are no timeline exceptions.
Fall Enrollment
Applications must be submitted by May 1.

Spring Enrollment
Applications must be submitted by October 1.

The sponsoring agency must submit individual student exchange applications and attach required documents as indicated in the "application submission process" under the "application criteria" section above.
California's International Student Exchange Program Act & SDUSD's Policy
California's International Student Exchange Program Act
- Protects the health, safety and welfare of international student exchange visitors and promote a quality education and living experience
- Promotes participation in exchange programs in California and encourage interaction between California residents and international student exchange visitors
- Encourages public confidence in exchange programs
- Encourages compliance with federal immigration law
International Student Exchange Policies
- International Student Exchange Enrollment is monitored and directed by the California Department of Justice.
- DOJ manage issues relative to public safety, immigration, and children's rights.
- California International Student Exchange Program Act is the basis for district policy.
SDUSD's International Student Exchange Policy
SDUSD only accepts international student exchange applicants through agencies listed in the Registry of International Student Exchange Visitor Placement Organizations published by the California Department of Justice website at
San Diego Unified School District Does Not Enroll Informal International Visitors
Who may be enrolled
International exchange candidates may be enrolled for one or two semesters if:
- They are under 18 years old* (if 18 or older see information on "May NOT be enrolled").
- They are sponsored by an international exchange program recognized by the Registry of International Student Exchange Visitor Placement Organizations.
- They have not graduated from high school in their resident country
- They meet application criteria.
- The school of residence of the host family has space available.
- The principal of the school approves the enrollment.
Who may NOT be enrolled
- International Exchange Organizations seeking to enroll students in the district, who will be 18 or older and do not have a high school diploma applying by May 1st for Fall semester or by October 1st for Spring semester; are referred to the Adult Education Department or the San Diego Community District.
- International Exchange Organizations seeking to enroll students in the district, who are not yet 18, and have obtained a high school diploma from the country of origin may not be enrolled. Please contact San Diego Community College District.
Adult Education Department
(619) 266-6530
San Diego Community College District
(619) 388-6500
Immigration Issues
- SDUSD is not a certified Student and Exchange Visitor Program.
- SDUSD does not issue Form I-20 to non-immigrant students desiring an F-1 Visa.
- SDUSD refers all immigration and visa issues to the Department of Immigration.
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