Translations and Community Services
Part of the Public Information Office division, the primary function of the Translation Department is to:
- Provide written translation and oral interpretation services to schools, parent groups, central offices and the board of education.
- Ensure that English-limited parents have access to all information related to their children's schools, as well as to district policies and procedures.
- Services are provided for the following languages: Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Cambodian and Somali.
NOTE: The SPECIAL EDUCATION TRANSLATION UNIT is separate from the Translations and Community Services Department. For Special Education translations/interpretations please submit your requests to the Special Ed Translation Unit at [email protected] or leave a message or text 619-354-8902.
Contact Us
San Diego Unified School District
Translation Unit
2441 Cardinal Lane, Building C
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 354-8902 - Voice Message or Text
(858) 496-1825 - Fax
For General Translation/Interpretations:
Summer Cagle, Translator/Interpreter Supervisor
Translation Department
2441 Cardinal Lane, Building C
San Diego, CA 92123
(619) 354-8902 - Phone
(858) 496-1825 - Fax
For Special Education Translations/Interpretations:
Memorial Prep
Room 253
2850 Logan Ave. (92113)
For Inpidualized Education Programs (IEP) Requests:
[email protected]