Whether a neighborhood, magnet or alternative, schools should be prepared to answer the question...
Why Should Families Choose Our School?

The following information has been compiled to help schools with answering this question and to support sites with their school marketing efforts. The "How to Get Started" page is an essential tool for every school. A more detailed three-part overview of how to successfully create and implement a school marketing plan is supported with a school marketing toolkit and related resources and web links.
Getting Started
How to get started with limited funds, time and resources.
Create and Maintain a Current School Website
Principals can identify staff and/or volunteers to help with their website. When you visit your school's site, try to look at it through the lens of a new parent to the area. Is it easy to find information about you (the principal), a bell schedule, and any key information about what your school offers? Is there an appealing photo right on the front page? These types of information are free — and important — to include. For change requests or training, contact [email protected].
Take Advantage of Additional Free District Resources
Use SchoolMessenger, the district's phone/e-mail/text mass notification tool to stay in touch with parents, students and the community. Publicize events, create e-newsletters, support good attendance and get feedback with simple surveys. Also includes a teacher's version. Visit our SchoolMessenger resources page.
Publicize school and student "good news" stories or upcoming events
#BetterSD eBlast: Contact [email protected] if you have a fun event or a good story to tell about your school, and it may be featured in the weekly #BetterSD eBlast! This award-winning newsletter is sent to all district employees and more than 120,000 family members and community leaders each week, and is a great way to highlight your school.
News Media: If your school has a story that you think deserves media attention, the Communications Department is available to help, or you can issue your own media advisory or press release. See Media Tips. Post the story on your school website. A running list of district events open to media or the public is distributed to the media on Friday. Submit items to [email protected]t, noting "Media Calendar" in the subject line. Keep an updated calendar on your school website.
Social Media: The Communications Department supports the use of social media, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, as great tools for engaging parents, students and the community if used appropriately. Contact [email protected] for assistance.
Marketing Materials: The Communications Department can help edit website and print materials and set up a "How To" school marketing workshop for staff. Contact [email protected].
Maximize Everyone's Role in Marketing your School
Staff, parents, students and volunteers are the greatest ambassadors for your school and can help spread the word about what makes your school great. Keep them informed. Ask for testimonials that can be included on your website and in newsletters and brochures. Tap into them for potential resources for new Partners in Education, sponsors, financial and in-kind donations, volunteers and, of course, new students.
Grow your Network of School Supporters and Ask for Help
Help the local community get to know your school. Students whose parent(s) work in your area are eligible to attend your school. Invite local business and community groups to open houses, sporting events and performances as special guests. Don't forget to include former parents and students. Make sure they know about your school's "wish list" of services and items and ask them to share the list with their professional and personal contacts. Be sure to thank supporters quickly and publicly at events, on your website, newsletter, bulletin board, etc.
Create One Great Printed Marketing Piece and Use It
Create a marketing flier or brochure or enlist the support of a talented parent, student or volunteer. Or, network to find a local marketing/advertising professional who may be willing to donate talent and time. As budget allows, print and display your flier/brochure at every opportunity - front office, registration table at school events, ticket booths, local recreation center, library, local business community boards, etc. Electronic versions can be posted on your website at no cost.
Affordable Printing at the Central Office: San Diego Unified's Printing Services has added new capabilities, and more importantly, made color printing quick and affordable. New features include high output color production, large format color poster printing, lamination, UV coating, banners and a digital storefront for creating/ordering business cards, brochures, posters and other printed pieces.
Begin Part 1: Why School Marketing Matters

Your website is the most important tool in marketing your school to the outside world.
More Information
For help with proofing content on your school website, brochure or other marketing materials, or to schedule a School Marketing Matters workshop for you and your staff, contact:
Communications Department
Phone: 619-725-5578
[email protected]