Please note, all services must be requested at least one week in advance.
NOTE: Translation/Interpretation services for Special Education-related issues are provided by the Special Education Programs Division, you can contact the Special Education Translation Unit at [email protected].
To request translation services, please email your request to the Translation Department at [email protected] The following information is required:
Contact person's name, phone number and email address. Date by which translation is needed. Languages in which you need your document.
The Translation Department makes every effort to cover interpretation requests for parent meetings and other events held in the evenings only. Please make your arrangements early. Due to the high volume of requests, interpretation services for parent/teacher conferences cannot be offered.
To request interpretation services, fax, email or mail a Work Request form to the Translation Department, or call us with the following required information:
Contact person's name, phone number and email address. Place, time and topic of meeting. Any relevant material available. Languages for which you need interpretation services. Budget number to be charged for services.
Submit requests to:
Ana Morales, Manager
Translation Department
(858) 496-8366 - Phone
(858) 4961825 - Fax
[email protected]- Email