Classroom Use Update

2024-25 Classroom Use Update - Due Date: September 20, 2024 

Each year, the Instructional Facilities Planning Department (IFPD) conducts a survey of each school site to assess how classroom, administrative and instructional support space is being utilized. Much of the District's business is dependent upon an accurate assessment of this facility use. The following link provides a brief overview of the importance of the annual facility assessment. Relevant Board Policies are also provided.

SDUSD 2024-25 Classroom Use Update: Why accuracy matters!

Board Policy 3113: School Utilization Planning

Board Policy 7110: Facilities Master Planning



IFPD helps to maintain a database of room use at all school sites. Each year we update records with information provided by school site administrators.  The information assists IFPD prepare a district-wide school capacity assessment and other critical documentation. The link below provides general instructions on completing the classroom use update.

How to Optimize Your Floor Plan

Examples of a School Staff Roster

Examples of School Site Map



The annual facility use assessment is dependent upon a standardized data-gathering approach. In order to help maintain the integrity of the facilities management database, the Instructional Facilities Planning Department has developed a set of guidelines to assist school site administrators with this assessment process. The guidelines are provided to help minimize discrepancies in the information provided by each school site. The links below provide guidelines for both elementary and secondary school sites, and are provided to help standardize floor plan mark-up notations and to assist site administrators in correctly identifying classroom & other space use:


Due Date: September 20, 2024

Address the envelope to: Instructional Facilities Planning Department - Ed Center, Room 3150

Please return:

A) Your RED PEN Changes on the Site Floor Plan(s)

B) School Map, created by your school (Room uses/teacher assignments shown)

C) Teacher/Staff Directory (include grade or subject taught, staff position and office location)



Staff contact for questions:  Gabriela Elliott, Facilities Planner, (619) 725-5569, [email protected].