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The SDUSD District Advisory Committee (DAC) for the GATE Department continues as an important vehicle for parent and community involvement in educational programs for gifted students. The GATE DAC is compromised of parent representatives from schools through out the district, and is designed to represent all geographical areas of the district as well as the GATE programs and the grade levels in which they are offered.

As a district wide group the GATE DAC is an important asset for the GATE program. It opens communications between district administrators, local schools, and parents in innovative ways that fit each school's individual needs. In particular, it can provide constructive feedback from parents to stimulate continued growth in the GATE program.

GATE DAC representatives work with schools and GATE Team Leaders to coordinate efforts on parent development, to promote communication on GATE issues, and to enhance the school's GATE program. Examples include: publishing newsletters; establishing business partnerships; coordinating parents and professional who have special expertise; assisting site planning committees; participating in gifted education conferences.


GATE DAC Bylaws- Spanish version

GATE DAC Representative Nuts and Bolts Packet

GATE DAC Representative Nuts and Bolts Packet - Spanish version

Tips and Tricks for GATE DAC Representatives 2019-20 



September 21, 2020 Agenda

  •  6:30 - Welcome and introduction: GDAC priorities, guidance for GDAC Reps, communication  - Dave Vaughan
  •  6:45 - GATE update  - Jim Solo
  •  6:55 - Learning Continuity Plan overview and feedback - Jim Solo
  •  7:15 - Feedback from parents on GATE-specific online learning problems - All
  •  7:45 - GATE online learning guidance recap from May meeting - Kelly Young
  •  8:00 - Adjournment


November 16, 2020 - zoom information:                                                                                                                                                                            Agenda:  


Sept. 10, 2018

Oct. 8, 2018

Nov. 5, 2018

Jan. 14, 2019

Feb. 11, 2019

Mar. 11, 2019

Apr. 8, 2019