Principal's Message 6/13/21

Principal's Message from Sunday, June 13, 2021
Posted on 06/13/2021
Taft Eagle News

Good Evening Taft Families,

This is Principal Garcia-Rubio calling with our Sunday update.   We hope everyone had a restful weekend.    This is our last regular Sunday update of the 2020-2021 school year. The last day of classes will be on Tuesday, June 15, 2021.  The 2021-2022 school year will begin on Monday, August 30, 2021.

Hot Weather Warning/Water Bottles

The next few days may be warmer than usual.  We ask that our students dress in light colors and loose clothing.  Because of COVID-19 protocols, we do not have shared drinking fountains.  We ask that you please send a water bottle with your student to use in our fillable water stations.  We want our students to stay hydrated during this warm weather.

Textbook Return

We ask that all students return their books before the school year ends.  Please contact Ms. Enrique at [email protected] for more information or to see what items still remain checked out to your student.

Chromebook Return

If students are remaining enrolled with the San Diego Unified School District, they may keep their Chromebook devices throughout the summer, even if they are going to high school or a different district middle school.  Students need to return laptops only if they will not be attending school in the district next year.

8th Grade Update

Ms. Julie Eiter, Head Counselor I (Retired) shared information via a phone call earlier today.  Please contact her if you have any questions regarding promotion on Tuesday, June 15, 2021.  She may be reached at [email protected].

We are looking forward to celebrating our 8th graders.  If your son or daughter is unable to attend the event on Tuesday, please contact Ms. Marsha McNeil at [email protected] and we will mail out the promotion certificate to you over the summer.

For our students attending Kearny High School, Kearny High School will host a 3 day Ignite Summer Bridge to welcome our future freshmen.  A link to the flyer and promotional video are included in this communication.  Please save the dates!

Click here for the Ignite Summer Bridge Flyer.

Click here to see the Ignite Summer Bridge  Promo Video.

Vice Principal Community Feedback Survey

Ms. Jayme Wynn, our Vice Principal, will have a new position within our district next year.  We are going to miss her and we wish her the best of luck.

We will be interviewing candidates for the VP position this month.  We ask the community to please share the skills, experiences and knowledge that we would like to see in our new Vice Principal.  There is a very brief Google Survey to complete by Tuesday, June 15, 2021.  We welcome your feedback.  Click here to share your feedback in our VP Survey.

 On behalf of the Taft Community, it has been an absolute joy to serve our community.  We wish our future 9th graders much luck in high school and we know that they will go on to do amazing things in this world.  

For next year’s 7th and 8th graders, we look to the continued development of their leadership next year as we welcome new 6th grade  students to our campus.  


Thank you and go Eagles!

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