Marston Update Sept. 22nd

Marston Update Sept.22nd
Posted on 09/22/2020
Good Afternoon Marston Parents,
I hope you had a nice weekend and are enjoying the week so far. Please read the important updates below.
Last year we held monthly Coffee with the Principal meetings. This year we will have Parent-Admin Chats. The plan is to have two sessions each month – one morning session and one evening session. The format will usually be a brief presentation followed by your questions. Marston counselors and administrators will lead the discussions and take your questions. The first four meetings are scheduled as follows:
The School Site Council (SSC) is a decision-making group that provides oversight on matters dealing with Federal and State funded programs. School Site Councils provide oversight of the academic planning and budgeting process associated with the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) in order to meet the needs of all students.
IMPORTANT: Marston needs to fill 3 parent positions on SSCPlease email Carol Montanez at [email protected] by noon on Monday, September 28 if you can participate on this important committee. We need your help! We will have about 6 one-hour meetings this year – usually on Mondays from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. All meetings are currently scheduled to take place on Zoom.
Clairemont Community of Schools are meetings in which representatives from all 5 feeder elementary schools, Marston and Clairemont High School discuss topics like K-12 alignment, district updates, enrollment, marketing and items brought forth to the committee. Guests can attend to be part of the discussion and can also request that a topic be discussed. Click here to request to either present information or have your question answered at our next meeting. Area superintendents and a SDUSD Board Trustees often attend these meetings. Please join us at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 8 for our first meeting of the year! All are welcome! A Zoom link to the meeting will be sent at a later time.
While we still ask that parents contact the appropriate staff member via email, we have established a Google Voice number that will be managed by our awesome office staff. Please feel free to give us a call if you get stuck. While we are not Microsoft certified, we will listen and do the best we can to help you. The phone number is 619-356-8701 and the call center hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Click here for our Staff Directory for Parents. Many of the issues students experience can be remedied with the information provided here.
Months ago Marston purchased planners (also called agendas) for each student. They are calendar notebooks with information about Marston that students can use to record assignments and other to-do lists. They finally arrived to the site and are available for pick-up. Also course materials for 7th and 8th grade English courses recently arrived. Please mark your calendars for the following pick-up events:
Pick-Up Schedule:
Mon 9/28 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 6th grade – Agendas only
Tue  9/29 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 7th grade – Agendas and English Language Arts Materials
Wed 9/30 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 8th grade – Agendas and English Language Arts Materials
Location: Marston Northwest Parking Lot (same location as the previous textbook pick-up event). Must enter from northbound Clairemont Drive.
All students will join a Google Classroom managed by our counselors and administrators. This is where we will make announcements, publish resources, push out surveys and so on. Parents, please help us by ensuring your child has joined the appropriate Google Classroom:
All 6th graders join: uick7sf
All 7th graders join: 6fug4vv
All 8th graders join: ivxfdxb
NOTE: All students now have a email that they can use for student-staff communications, but mass-email groups are not yet operational in SchoolMessenger. The district is working on this for all schools. For this reason, we are asking parents for help with this messaging.
Student breakfasts and lunches are available each day from 12:00-2:00 PM at Clairemont High School as well as many other schools in our district. Meals are available and FREE for any child under the age of 18, but we encourage all to complete the lunch application. Please click here to complete the lunch application. Marston’s zip code is 92117. Please click here to see all of the schools distributing meals.
Thank you for all your efforts as a distance learning parent!
Jon Gollias
Marston Middle School Principal 
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