Marston Middle School PTSA welcomes all students and parents to the 2024-2025 school year!

The Marston Middle School PTSA is a 501(c)(3) corporation overseen by the State of California PTA and National PTA and governed by the laws of the state of California. Our efforts are solely focused on providing enrichment and support to the Marston community of students and staff. We provide programs for all Mariners by raising funds through our Membership Drive, Fall Fundraiser and Jogathon throughout the year.


 What is PTSA?

 PTSA stands for Parent Teacher Student Association. PTSA is a volunteer association (no payment for hours volunteered) where parents, educators, students and other interested community members come together to enhance the educational experience for all students. Anyone can become a member of the Marston PTSA.


 What does it mean to “join PTSA”?

Joining the Marston PTSA consists of paying a membership fee of $20.00 per member annually. Membership starts on July 1st and ends on June 30th of the following year. There is an overlap from July to October, where members can still be “active” so business can be conducted throughout the summer months and at the beginning of the school year.


 Do I have to volunteer if I join the Marston PTSA?

Joining the Marston PTSA does NOT mean you are required to volunteer any time for our events and/or fundraising. We appreciate any assistance you may offer to make the programs successful, however you are absolutely NOT required to volunteer. 


 What does the Marston Middle School PTSA do?

Made up of 14 volunteer positions, our PTSA serves as a communication link between the community of parents/students and the school. We pay for enrichment programs, award ceremonies and many other items that the school budget does not have funds for. We also help by volunteering at school events like the Book Fair and various award ceremonies.

2024-2025 Executive Board Members

Where do my membership dues and/or donations go?

A portion of your membership dues go directly to the council, district, state and national levels of the PTA. The remainder gets pooled with other fundraising dollars and helps the Marston PTSA pay for the following:

  • New Parent Mixer 
  • Anchors Aweigh (6th grade/new student orientation lunch)
  • Exploration/Advisory Supplies
  • Teacher Supply Supplements
  • Student Recognition Every 6wks for All E/M's
  • Treats for Semester Award Recipients (all grades)
  • 7th Grade Swim Program
  • 8th Grade Promotion and Awards
  • Teachers Welcome Back Breakfast
  • Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week
  • Robotics Club

We highly encourage all who are interested, to join the Marston Middle School PTSA!

How do I join?

  1. Join the Marston PTSA by signing up online via TOTEM, the online membership tool provided by by going to or scan the QR code below:

  1. Look for the Membership Drive/Fall Fundraiser form in your manilla Welcome Packet provided by Marston and sent home in the first two weeks of the school year. Fill it out, write a check made out to Marston PTSA and drop it off in the office or mail to: Marston Middle School, Attention Marston PTSA, 3799 Clairemont Dr, San Diego, CA 92117

Don’t want to join the PTSA, but still want to donate?

PTSA Membership may not be your jam, but you can still help support by donating to the Marston PTSA Fall Fundraiser going on now! 

Any donation would be greatly appreciated and will help us achieve our fundraising goal which ultimately provides all of the beloved experiences that Marston Mariners look forward to. Make their middle school time memorable and donate now to the Marston PTSA Fall Fundraiser.


For the latest Marston news, visit our Facebook page. Don’t forget to Follow so you can keep up with all of the happenings at Marston Middle School and PTSA.

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