MEDIA ADVISORY: Teacher, student being recognized by American Heart Association for student’s use of Hands-only CPR to save a life
Media Advisory from the San Diego Unified School District, Aug. 29, 2018
Teacher, student being recognized by American Heart Association for student's use of Hands-only CPR to save a life
WHAT: A former Golden Hill K-8 student recently used her Hands-only CPR training to save the life of a young relative. The student received training last year from her teacher at Golden Hill, Robin Carby. Carby is receiving an award from the American Heart Association for her efforts to teach this life-saving technique (the student has chosen to be recognized privately).
WHEN: Thursday, Aug. 30 at 9:15 a.m.
WHERE: Golden Hill K-8, 1240 33rd St. (92102)
In 2016, San Diego Unified partnered with the American Heart Association and the County of San Diego to begin offering Hands-only CPR training to students in the district using a $100,000 grant from the County.
The Hands-only CPR training is designed for students in grades 3-12. Most physical education teachers in the district have been trained, and in turn, many have trained their students. In just two years, thousands of district students have received training.
The former Golden Hill student is the second San Diego Unified student who has used their Hands-only CPR training to save a life. In September, Green Elementary third grader Dmitri Meram helped save his mother's life after she bumped her head and passed out.
MEDIA CONTACT: Jennifer Rodriguez | Communications | [email protected] | 619-847-6029