MEDIA ADVISORY: Fletcher Elementary students, parents, staff to walk together for National Walk to School Day
Media Advisory from the San Diego Unified School District, Oct. 5, 2018
Fletcher Elementary students, parents, staff to walk together for National Walk to School Day
WHAT: Students, parents, and staff from Fletcher Elementary will gather approximately one-half mile from school Tuesday morning and walk together to the campus to celebrate National Walk to School Day (official day is Oct. 10).
WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 9, 7 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
WHERE: Participants will meet at the corner of Cardinal Road and Mockingbird Drive and walk to Fletcher Elementary (7666 Bobolink Way, 92123).
DETAILS: Fletcher Elementary is coordinating the event with support from Rady Children's Hospital Safe Routes to Schools Program. The Safe Routes to Schools Program will provide snacks and incentives for all walkers, in addition to educational materials for students.
Students and parents will meet at 7 a.m., start walking around 7:15 a.m., and arrive at school around 7:30 a.m. At 7:40 a.m., all kids go up to the field for running club. School starts at 7:55 a.m.
In line with the school's wellness efforts to increase activity and promote a healthy learning environment, it's also Tune Up Tuesdays on the campus. TK, kindergarten, first, second and some third-graders will gather in the lunch court for 20 minutes of dance fitness (around 7:55 a.m.). Students get their heart rates up, cross their midlines, sequence movements, dance to some fun tunes, and get their brains prepared to learn in class.
PHOTOS/VISUALS: Students, parents and staff walking together to school; students exercising.
BACKGROUND: The event is coordinated with support from Rady Children's Safe Routes to Schools Program. Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is an international movement that has been implemented in communities throughout the United States. The concept is to increase the number of children who walk or bike to school safely by funding projects that resolve barriers to walking, such as poor walkways, limited adult supervision or crime. These programs also encourage walking and biking to school as a way to incorporate a healthy, active lifestyle into a daily routine.
Organized by the Partnership for a Walkable America, Walk to School Day in the USA began in 1997 as a one-day event aimed at building awareness for the need for walkable communities. In 2000, the event became international when the UK and Canada (both of which had already been promoting walking to school) and the USA joined together for the first International Walk to School Day. Growing interest in participation all over the world led the International Walk to School Committee to shifts its promotion to International Walk to School Month for the entire month of October.
CONTACT: Jennifer Rodriguez | Communications | 619-847-6029 | [email protected] | Facebook – | Twitter - @sdschools | Instagram - sandiegounified