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Welcome to the Nursing & Wellness Department

Nursing Philosophy

Given the pervasive effects of trauma on health, Nursing and Wellness will embrace the school community in the practice of Trauma Informed Care, Mindfulness, Restorative Practices and the use of evidence based research to achieve safety, health and well-being.

Role of the Health Office Staff

A Registered Nurse (RN) is assigned to every school and is the first point of contact for your questions and concerns. They have a Baccalaureate degree or above, have additional post-graduate education related to school health issues, and have a School Nurse Health Services Credential through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

School nurses are the primary health care providers within the educational environment promoting optimum health status, physical, mental and emotional health, so all students may achieve their fullest potential as a learner and a person.

Only a school nurse can:

  • Assess health needs
  • Teach and promote health practices
  • Provide health education, primary health care, emergency care, crisis management, and referrals
  • Provide communicable disease control
  • Perform mandated health screenings
  • Train unlicensed staff to provide health care

Health Technicians (HT) and Special Education Health Technicians (SEHT) are unlicensed personnel with training in First Aid, CPR, Medication Administration, and Specialized Procedures as needed under the direct supervision of the credentialed school nurse.

What to expect in the Health Office

The Health Office may be staffed by a Registered Nurse, HT/SEHT, and/or both on different days. There is ongoing communication between our staff in the Health Office to ensure seamless care for your student. If the HT/SEHT has any questions or requires clarification an RN is always available.

Cluster Model

The Nursing & Wellness Department has divided the district into 7 clusters based on location. Each cluster has a Nursing Cluster Coordinator. To contact the Coordinator in your area, please click here, locate your school and then scroll up to locate your Coordinator.