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Public Testimony Request

Public Testimony Guidelines are set forth in Section 1025 of the Board of Education Bylaws

REGULAR MEETING (5:00 p.m.):

The Regular Meeting of the Board of Education scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 2024, will be conducted in-person in the auditorium at the Eugene Brucker Education Center located at 4100 Normal St., San Diego, CA 92103. Public testimony will be heard in-person and virtually via Zoom Webinar. The Regular Meeting of the Board of Education is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. 


To provide Public Testimony in-person, please complete and submit the Public Testimony request form at the following link: https://sdusdboard.net/PUBCMNT09102024


To provide Public Testimony virtually via Zoom Webinar, please register at the following link: https://sdusdboard.net/ZPUBCMNT2024 Public testimony speakers registering via Zoom Webinar will receive an email confirmation with instructions after submitting the form. 


Regular Meeting Public Testimony Virtual Speakers Please Note:  Join the meeting by clicking on the link provided on the confirmation email; the name displayed on the screen should match the name on the registration form.  When your name is called, you will be allowed to speak, please unmute yourself at that time. If you hear your name called and are unable to unmute yourself, the next speaker will be called. Once all speakers have been called for the item your name will be called again; please unmute yourself. Staff does not have the ability to access a personal device to unmute a speaker.


If you join the meeting via telephone, please call in from the phone number that you provided on the registration form, otherwise staff will not be able to identify you to allow you to speak when your name is called. To unmute yourself when calling press *6 on your phone. 


Note: If you only wish to view the meeting, it will be broadcast live on ITV, Channel 16 in the City of San Diego and will be live streamed on YouTube.  The YouTube link is available a few minutes before the meeting begins at: https://sandiegounified.org/about/board_of_education

CLOSED SESSION (3:30 p.m.):

The Closed Session meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 2:00 pm, will be conducted in-person in Conference Room 2249 at the Eugene Brucker Education Center located at 4100 Normal St., San Diego, CA 92103. Public testimony will be heard in-person and is limited to Closed Session agenda items only.  Public testimony requests must be received by the start of the meeting.  To provide public testimony please complete and submit the Public Testimony request form at the following link: https://sdusdboard.net/PUBCMNT09102024. Please wait in the waiting area outside Conference Room 2249 for the Board Action Officer to call your name.