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San Diego Unified Rescinds Educator Layoffs

NEWS RELEASE: San Diego Unified Rescinds Majority of Preliminary Teacher Layoff Notices
Posted on 05/16/2024

San Diego Unified Rescinds Majority of Preliminary Teacher Layoff Notices

May 16, 2024

San Diego – The San Diego Unified School District has rescinded the majority of preliminary educator layoff notices issued earlier this spring in partnership with the San Diego Education Association (SDEA).

Based on fiscal information that was available at the time and because of required deadlines, 234 preliminary layoff notices were issued to educators in March. The district has rescinded 225 notices.   

The district was able to rescind the majority of preliminary educator layoff notices as a result of ongoing analysis of revenue trends and expenses for the end of the school year, and by identifying educator position vacancies at schools due to retirements and resignations.

“Our board is steadfast in its commitment to ensuring all students can reach their full potential. Despite a significant deficit, I am proud that through data-driven planning that prioritized children’s needs, we have developed a fiscally sound budget with limited impacts on our tremendous educators,” Board of Education President Shana Hazan said. “I am grateful for the diligent work of our fiscal and instructional teams, and the support of the San Diego Education Association, in developing a thoughtful plan to maintain stability at our schools by supporting our students and educators in the next school year.”

San Diego Unified staff is working with principals to help finalize staffing plans for the 2024-25 school year. 

MEDIA CONTACT: Communications Director Maureen Magee, [email protected]    
