The District utilizes the Lease-Leaseback (LLB) delivery method for large and complex projects (Education Code section 17406) through a best value award process. Under LLB, the District may lease any real property that belongs to the District to a builder for $1.00 per year. The agreement between the District and the builder must provide for the construction of an improvement on the District's property. The Projects may be funded from various sources, and any agreement reached will confirm to the statutory framework for the LLB delivery method. The Contractor will be responsible for financing a portion of the construction of the Project. During construction, the District shall pay tenant improvement payments. Once the Project is complete, the Contractor shall lease the facilities constructed back to the District for a pre-determined monthly lease payment amount and lease period.
LLB agreements typically start with a preconstruction agreement, creating a collaborative approach for the builder and architect to develop plans and specifications for the Division of the State Architect’s (DSA) approval. Once DSA has approved the plans and specifications, the contractor solicits subcontractor bids to establish a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the construction phase of the Project.
Pools of Prime contractors are established through a Request for Qualifications (RFQ). The LLB projects are bid and awarded within each preapproved Pool of Prime contractors. There are three (3) types of LLB projects.
Types of LLB Projects Solicited
The status of the District's Projects may include:
- 100% Construction:
Projects that already have DSA approval and construction documents are 100% complete. Contractors will be asked through an RFP to provide a final price to construct a project; or
- 100% Preconstruction:
Projects that are not fully designed and Contractors will be asked through an RFP to first work collaboratively with the architect to develop 100% construction documents, then solicit subcontractor prices pursuant to the District's subcontractor procurement process, and then provide a final price to construct the project; or
- Combination:
A project that is a combination of the above.
What Does This Mean for Subcontractors, Suppliers, Manufacturers, and Equipment Providers?
The preapproved Pools of Prime contractors are the only contractors submitting bids to the District. Subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers, and equipment providers submit bids directly to the Prime contractors and/or first tier-subcontractors. It is important for subcontractors to develop relationships and get prequalified with the preapproved Pools of Prime contractors, as well as the District.
Take a look at the "Contractor’s To-Do List" on the LLB-Outreach Page for more information.
Lease-Leaseback Prime Contractors
For Prime contractor Small Business Liaison Office (SBLO) contact information and prequalification links go to the Lease-Leaseback Outreach page here.
For questions regarding Lease-Leaseback opportunities:
Ashley Mains
Contracts Administration Supervisor, Construction Contracts
[email protected]
For inquiries regarding doing business on the Lease-Leaseback Program:
Sidney Hucklebridge-Key
Lease-Leaseback Outreach Coordinator
[email protected]
For questions regarding other construction-related bidding opportunities:
Sharon Cheng
Contracts Administration Supervisor, Construction
[email protected]