Taft Middle School
9191 Gramercy Drive, San Diego, CA
Phone: (858) 935-2650 FAX: (858) 935-2653
(Please see website for staff contact
Table of Contents
Welcome Statement
Dress Code Policy
Mission Statement-San Diego Unified
End-of-year & Promotion Criteria
Taft School-WIde Vision
Health Office Information
Bell Class Schedules
Physical Education Dept. Information
Minimum/Modified Day Schedule
Assembly Policy
General Information
Bullying Policy
Daily Attendance Policy
Bus Riding Policy
Arrival and Dismissal Policy
Cell Phone Policy
Tardy Policy
Library Policy
What should I do if?
Lunch Time Policy
Prohibited Items
Restroom Policy
Computer Use Policy
Additional School-Wide Policies
Learning Agreement
Title IX Notifications
Voice & Movement Level Expectations
The Eagles’ Way
Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year at Taft Middle!!
Please keep this planner all year. It will help you with the lifelong-skills of staying organized and meeting deadlines. Writing down assignments, homework, or even work-in-progress notes each day, will not only help you remember your responsibilities, but allow your family to stay informed about your learning. With the guidance of your teachers, you are expected to use this planner daily. Ultimately it is your responsibility to use this tool to support your own success.
We look forward to supporting you in all you do at Taft Middle School this year. We know your success will make us all proud!
Mission Statement-San Diego Unified School District
All San Diego students will graduate with the skills, motivation, curiosity, and resilience to succeed in their choice of college and career in order to lead and participate in the society of tomorrow.
Taft School-Wide Vision
- Taft
Middle School is a place where students are honored and respected future
leaders. They are proud of their community and come to school confident in
their ability to excel in any endeavor or challenge presented.
- Taft
teachers strive to create a safe and secure learning environment with high
expectations for all students.
- Taft
administrators make shared decisions that help provide a nurturing and
supportive environment for the rigorous education of students.
- Taft
families support teaching and learning by contributing their diversity,
talents, resources and experiences.
- Taft
Middle School is a place in which the community takes great pride in
educating students together.
2022-2023 Bell Schedules
My Class Schedule
Regular Day Bell Schedule
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.
My Classes
Room #
Per 1
Per 2
Per 3
LUNCH 6th Advisory 7/8
LUNCH 7/8 Advisory 6
Per 4
Per 5
Per 6
Minimum/Modified Day
Bell Schedule
6TH Grade
My Classes
Room #
My Classes
Room #
Per 1
Per 1
Per 2
Per 2
Per 3
Per 3
Per 4
Per 4
Per 5
Per 5
Per 6
Per 6
2022-2023 Minimum Modified Days
August 31, 2022
September 7, 2022
September 21, 2022
Open House
October 12, 2022
October 26. 2022
November 9, 2022
December 7, 2022
January 11, 2023
January 25, 2023
February 8, 2023
February 22, 2023
March 8, 2023
March 22, 2023
April 12, 2023
April 26, 2023
May 10. 2023
May 24, 2023
Spring Open House
June 7, 2023
June 12, 2023
June 13, 2023
June 14, 2023
Last Day of School
General Information
We follow the Eagles' Way. We are proud to have our own code of conduct here at Taft. We ask students to adhere to six (6) simple attributes, which are located on the back page of this guide book. We also require staff, parents, guardians, and visiting adults to follow the Eagles' Way at all times.
Textbooks are the responsibility of each student. Students and parents have one week to carefully examine each textbook for damage not already noted. When damage is found, the book should be brought to the library so damages can be noted. Students failing to notify the library of damages within the first week must assume responsibility for any damages found when the books are returned.
Telephones in the office and in classrooms are for school business only. Office phones may be used upon the request of students if they have an emergency or if they have permission from an adult during the school day.
Electronic Devices and Any Other Toys ARE NOT ALLOWED at school. Lost or stolen music players, stuffed animals, headphones, or any other item that should not be at school will not be investigated by the administration or staff.
All Confiscated Items, including clothing, cell phones, electronic devices, etc. must be picked up by a parent or guardian. WE DO NOT CALL HOME FOR THESE VIOLATIONS. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate with parents about items needing to be picked up. Items that are not picked up by a parent by the last day of school are discarded appropriately.
Daily Attendance
Regular daily attendance is expected. Students will report to school on time each day and be seated in class when the bell rings. Students with unverified absences may be assigned Saturday School to clear the absence. Excessive unverified and/or unexcused absences or tardies may also exclude a student from participation in semester and/or end-of-year activities.
- As Per State Ed. Code, absences may be cleared for illness, medical or dental appointment, or the death of an immediate family member.
- If you must miss school your parent needs to call the school at (858) 935-2650 or email [email protected] to inform the attendance office. Unverified absences may become truancies if parents do not call and clear them with the attendance office.
- If a student is late, s/he must get a late pass from the attendance office before going to class.
- Students leaving early or arriving late are missing valuable class time. Please make appointments before school starts, on minimum days, after school, on school holidays, or during vacation time if possible.
- Students who must leave school during school hours must bring a signed, written note to the attendance office or have a parent/guardian pick them up and they MUST sign out in the office before leaving campus.
The California Legislature (ED Section 48260a)
defines a truant as any student:
absent from school
without a valid excuse three (3) full days or,
who is tardy or
absent more than any 30-minute period during the school day without a
valid excuse on three occasions in one school year or,
any combination
Any student who is absent from school without a valid excuse for ten percent (10%) or more of the school days in one school year, from the date of enrollment to the current date, is deemed as a chronic truant. See "End-of-year Activity and Promotion Activities" section. Once days are deemed truant, Saturday School can clear these unexcused absences.
Arrival and Dismissal Policy
- Taft's
campus opens at 8:30am. Supervision is not provided before 8:30 am unless
the student is enrolled and attending Prime Time. Students arriving before
8:30 am must be enrolled in PrimeTime and remain with PrimeTime staff.
- Upon arrival after 8:30am all
students will report to the Lunch Court.
- Cell phones must be off and put
away upon arrival and throughout the day. (Including
- Gum is not allowed on campus.
Throw it away before stepping on campus!
- Per CA DMV CVC 2122; any
student riding a bicycle, skateboard, scooter, or such must wear a
helmet. All bicycles, skateboards, scooters, etc. should be locked,
chained, and stored in the Bike Rack gated area before school starts.
- Students
may go to a classroom if they have an appointment with a teacher. If the
teacher is not in, the student is to go immediately to the lunch court.
- Breakfast is
served from 8:30am until 8:50am.
- At breakfast, make selections
- Speak clearly and respectfully
to cafeteria workers and all other adults.
- Have money and/or lunch number
readily available.
- Sit at a table or bench in the
lunch court. The cafeteria tables inside are not used in the morning
unless it is raining or
- Use
appropriate table manners, keeping hands and feet to self at all times. Do
not play with or throw food.
- Speak and behave respectfully
to each other.
- Horseplay and public display of
affection (PDA) are not allowed.
- Clean
the area (tables and floor) where you have eaten. Throw away all trash in
the garbage cans provided.
- All food and
drinks must remain in the lunch court area. You may not take them home or
to class.
- Remain in the
lunch court area until the first bell rings (students may go to 400
building restrooms.) Play fields are off
limits and 600 bathrooms closed.
- Anyone who needs to leave the
lunch court area must have a pass from a teacher or other adult.
- When
the first bell rings (at the start of school), students exit through one
of the two south gates in an orderly fashion.
Campus will be cleared
by 4:15pm (2:15pm on modified days.)
Teachers will assist
in clearing campus after school by being outside classroom doors.
When the release bell
rings, students will quickly leave campus for home, check in at PrimeTime, go
directly to the buses, or straight to a teacher (with a pass) in his or her
Students who are not
picked up by 4:15pm on regular days (2:15pm on modified days)
will be required to wait in the front office for their ride.
Cell phones may be
turned on ONLY when students are off campus and on the public sidewalk.
Tardy Policy
- Use level 2 movement,
walking quickly and directly to your classes (see passing period policy.)
- Arrive to each class
before the late bell rings.
- Be seated before the
late bell rings.
- Have materials necessary
for learning for all classes - pencils, binders, planner, etc.
- Remain in classes the
entire school day unless excused by an adult.
- Planners are to be
brought to school daily.
- Planner passes signed by
an adult are to be carried when outside of class.
1st Tardy Verbal reminder by teacher, warning
2nd Tardy Phone call home by teacher, possible teacher assigned detention
3rd Tardy Phone call home, lowered citizenship grade
Note: Citizenship grades are up to the discretion of the teacher for all tardies. Teachers may take into consideration the number of tardies, how many have been made up, etc.
Tardies are an ongoing problem. "On time" means in class, seated, and ready to work. If a student has a bathroom emergency s/he should tell the teacher in the previous class and get a pass OR check in with the next period teacher and ask for a bathroom pass. A good majority of tardies are at the beginning of the day and right after lunch. Remember, in order to participate in semester, end-of-the-year activities, and/or 8th grade promotion ceremonies, students may not have two or more “U”s on your semester progress report. Tardies will be counted toward citizenship grades.
What ShouId I Do If…
I arrive early? Students are NOT ALLOWED on campus before 8:30am outside of the PrimeTime program. There is no adult supervision before this time. The school will not be liable for any problems or injuries that occur on campus before 8:30am.
I am late? Go to the front office and sign in using the office computer to notate your late arrival. Bring a note from home and give it to the attendance clerk in the office upon your arrival. Late arrivals without a note will not be excused.
I have trouble in class or a personal problem?
- Complete a request to talk with your counselor in the Counseling Office.
- Ask a teacher for his or her help.
- Talk to the principal or vice principal during a passing period or at lunch.
The most important thing is to seek out an adult to whom you can talk to.
My parents want a conference? Students can bring a note from home or parents can call or email the counselor to make an appointment. Staff email addresses are available on the school website.
I must leave the classroom? Ask your teacher for permission. You must use your planner as a hall pass. IF YOU LEAVE THE CLASSROOM WITHOUT PERMISSION, YOU WILL BE CONSIDERED TRUANT.
My cell phone, shirt, or other inappropriate item was confiscated? You must tell a parent/guardian that the item was confiscated so he or she can call the vice principal to make an appointment to pick the item up. When an item is confiscated, there will be no phone call home from the school to inform parents. It is the student’s responsibility to inform his/her parent. Students may use a school phone with permission from an adult to call and inform parent or guardian of the confiscation.
I lost something? Check around the area the item was lost. If you still can’t find it, check the Lost and Found bin in the main office or P.E. If the item is a small item such as jewelry or a cell phone, you must ask the office staff if anything was turned into the lost and found drawer.
Prohibited Items
Items that could be dangerous and/or distracting to the learning environment, including but not limited to the items listed below, are prohibited at Taft. Any student who chooses to bring (or wear) any of these items to school is subject to disciplinary action such as confiscation of the item, a parent conference, in-school or formal suspension or, a recommendation for expulsion.
Caffeinated Drinks
Drug Paraphernalia