/How Donations are Allocated/How%20Employee%20Donations%20are%20Expended%202012.jpg)
Legend for List of CSA-Supported Local Nonprofit Agencies:
Hyperlink to Agency Website: If underlined and in blue font
CSA Board of Directors' Grant Allocations (g)
CSA Donor-Specified Designations (d)
CSA Holiday Gifts/Other Gifts to Nonprofits (o)
Alcott Infant Development Pgm (d)
Alpha Proj for the Homeless (g,o)
Alzheimer’s San Diego (g, d)
American Academy of Pediats (g)
American Cancer Society (d)
American Red Cross (d)
Arms Wide Open (g)
Arts Education Connection SD (formerly Young Audiences - Arts for Learning) (g)
Assistance League of San Diego (d)
Big Brothers, Big Sisters (g)
Boys & Girls Clubs of America (g, d)
Burn Institute (g)
Casa Cornelia Law Center (d)
Casa de Amparo (g)
Catholic Char: Food Dist Net (g)
Catholic Char: Refugee&Immig (g)
Catholic Char: Grandparents (g)
Catholic Char: Rachel’s Apts(g)
Catholic Char: R’s Night Shelter (g)
Catholic Char: R’s Women’s Ctr (g)
Center for Community Solutions (g)
Chicano Federation (g)
Classics4Kids (g)
Coastal Roots Farm (g)
Community Christian Svc (o)
Crawford HS ASB (d)
Cygnet Theatre Company (g)
David’s Harp Foundation (g)
Disabled American Veterans (d)
Education X Opportunity (d)
Elementary Inst of Science (g,d)
Father Joe’s Villages (d)
Feeding America (o)
Friends of Cats (d)
Friends of Water Cnsrv Garden (g)
Friendship Circle of San Diego (g)
Friends of Language Academy (d)
Garfield HS Foundation (d)
Girl Scouts, SD-Imperial Coun (g,d)
Hardy Elem School ASB (d)
HeartNSoul Equine Assist Ther (d)
Helix Instrumental Music Assoc (d)
Hickman Elem School ASB (d)
Home Start (g)
Interfaith Shelter Network SD (g,o)
Jewish Family Service of SD (g,o)
Kensington Community Church (d)
Lamb’s Players Theatre (g,d)
Language Academy ASB (d)
Lawrence Family Jewish ComCtr (g)
Light One Little Candle, SD (g)
Mama’s Kitchen (g,d,o)
Marvin Elementary ASB (d)
Meals on Wheels (g)
Memorial Prep ASB (d)
Mission Trails Regional Park (g)
MOCBC – Adopt a Family (d,o)
Musicians for Education, Inc. (g)
NAMI San Diego (d)
National Cat Protection Society (d)
Paws’itive Teams (g)
Playwrights Project (g)
Rady Children’s Hospital (d)
Reading Legacies (g)
Riley School ASB (d)
San Diego Audubon Society (g)
San Diego Brain Tumor Found (d)
San Diego Center for Children (d)
San Diego Children’s Choir (g)
San Diego Cultural Arts Allliance (g)
San Diego Dept of Animal Ctrl (d)
San Diego Ed Fund Scholarships (g)
SD Family Care: Linda Vista (g)
SD Fam Care: Mid-City Adults (g)
SD Fam Care: Mid-City Peds. (g)
San Diego Food Bank (d,o)
San Diego Guild of Puppetry (g)
San Diego HS ASB (d)
San Diego Humane Society (d)
San Diego-Imper. Boy Scouts (g,d)
San Diego LGBT Community Ctr (d)
San Diego Master Chorale (g)
San Diego Rescue Mission (d,o)
San Diego Symphony Orchestra (g)
SDUSD Early Childhood Special Ed (d)
Semper Fi Fund/Injured Marines (g)
Silent Voices (d)
Special Delivery San Diego (g)
Special Ops Warrior Found (d)
Spectrum Church (d)
St. Katharine Drexel School (d)
St. Jude Children’s Rsrch Hosp (d)
St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center (g)
St. Vincent de Paul Village (d,o)
StandUp for Kids (d,o)
Survivors of Torture Intl (g)
The ARC of SD Sulpizio (g)
The New Children’s Museum SD (g)
The Salvation Army Kroc Ctr (g)
The SD Model Railroad Museum (g)
Travelers Aid Society of SD (g)
Twain High School ASB Scholars (d)
United Cerebral Palsy SDCounty (g)
United Way, Partn. for Children (d)
Uptown Comm Svc Ctr (g,o)
Urban People Liv. Faith & Trust (d)
VAPA Foundation (o)
Villa Musica (g)
Voices for Children (g,d)
Women’s Resource Center (g)
Wounded Warrior Project (d)
Words Alive (g)
Write Out Loud (g)
YMCA, Mission Valley (d)
Young Audiences of SD (see Arts Education Connection SD above)