Grade 6 - Rights, Respect, Responsibility

Sexual Health Education Scope and Sequence

The Advocates for Youth Rights, Respect, Responsibility (3Rs) curriculum follows CA Healthy Youth Act requirements and National Sexuality Education Standards. These online curriculum resources are provided for instructors who have attended SDUSD's Sexual Health Education Professional Development, in accordance with CA Education Code 51935.

For information on the parental opt-out process and ideas for students excused from the instruction, click here: Sex Ed Opt-Out Guidance and Activity Ideas.

Classroom-based Curriculum:


(NOTE - For printed copies of Worksheets or Homeworks, please download and print these  PDF or Word packets):

Lesson 1 - Gender Roles, Gender Expectations

Lesson 2 - Change Is Good

Lesson 3 - Sexual and Reproductive Anatomy

Lesson 4 - Puberty and Reproduction

Lesson 5 - I Am Who I Am

Lesson 6 - Liking and Loving: Now and When I'm Older

Lesson 7 - Learning about HIV

Lesson 8 - Protecting Your Health: Understanding & Preventing STIs

Lesson 9 - Understanding Boundaries

Lesson 10 - Being Smart, Staying Safe Online

End of Unit Assessment

Recommended Optional Lessons

Optional Videos