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NEWS RELEASE: San Diego Unified Offers Free Lunch and Snacks During Spring Break

NEWS RELEASE: San Diego Unified Offers Free Lunch and Snacks During Spring Break
Posted on 03/22/2018

San Diego Unified School District

San Diego Unified Offers Free Lunch and Snacks During Spring Break

Fresh, nutritious meals available to anyone 18 years and younger

SAN DIEGO (March 22, 2018) - San Diego Unified School District, in partnership with the City of San Diego Parks and Recreation and a local YMCA, is offering lunch and snacks at no cost to students during spring break.

The spring break meal program, Spring Fun Café, offers nutritious foods like fruit, vegetables, milk and a variety of tasty entrees. Four sites are offering the meals - City Heights Recreation Center, Colina Del Sol Recreation Center, North Park Recreation Center and Copley Price YMCA.

The Spring Fun Café locations will be open March 26-April 25 to accommodate for the extended break at the year-round schools in the area. Lunch will be served from noon to 1:00 p.m. and snacks will be served from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The free meals are not limited to students who attend nearby schools. Anyone 18 years and younger is welcome to participate. There is no paperwork, income qualifications or identification needed.

Kids will also be able to take advantage of the activities offered at the serving sites before, in-between and after the meals.

More information can be found on the district food and nutrition services website - www.sandiegounified.org/food.


Media Contact: Tara McNamara, San Diego Unified School District, 858-627-7316 [email protected]