All Board meeting agendas are posted at
Inquiries regarding items on the board agenda may be directed to Board Services at 619-725-5550 or via email to [email protected]. In addition, meetings are broadcast live on iTV16, and livestreamed at Meeting videos are posted on the website at
The Board Actions Summary Report below is not the minutes of the board meeting and does not include detailed information on all items on the agenda or the complete actions taken by the Board. Meeting minutes are prepared for every meeting and after approval and adoption by the Board at a subsequent meeting, the minutes are posted in BoardDocs, To view minutes, open the “Meetings” tab, select the specific board meeting date, then choose the “View Minutes” button. The adopted minutes provide the official actions taken by the Board.
12-17-24 Board Actions Summary, Special Meeting
Trustees Barrera, Bazzo, Hazan, Petterson and Whitehurst-Payne and Student Board Members Baldis and Cruz were present.
The meeting video is available at:
A.1. Call to Order, Roll Call, Establish Quorum
A.2. Pledge of Allegiance
B.1. Adoption of Agenda
The Board approved the following major agenda items (5-0, unless noted; [student preferential vote* shown in brackets]):
C.1. Ratification of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the San Diego Education Association (SDEA) for a 2024-2025 Supplemental Early Retirement Program (SERP) [Student Trustees do not vote on Section C.]
C.2. Approval of Human Resource Services Division Recommendations for Revised Position Descriptions [Student Trustees do not vote on Section C.]
C.3.Public Hearing on and Approval of the District's Initial Proposal to Negotiate a Reduction in Work Year with Bargaining Units [Student Trustees do not vote on Section C.]
D.1. Adoption of Resolution Affirming the Values of the San Diego Unified School District as a Welcoming District for All Students (Hazan/Petterson) [ yes ]
D.2. Adoption of Resolution in the Matter of Recognition of Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) Students and Families (Petterson/Hazan) [ yes ]
D.3. Adoption of Resolution in the Matter of Authorizing Payment of Insurance Premiums by Purchase Orders [ yes ]
D.4. Adoption of Resolution in the Matter of Intent to Create a Housing Authority [ yes ]
D.5. Approval of Amendment to Interim Superintendent Contract [ yes ]
E.1. Annual Organization of the Board of Education: Election of Board President and Vice President, Pursuant to Education Code Section 35143 [ yes ]
E.3. Approval of 2025 Legislative Priorities [ yes ]
E.4. Approval of Reappointment of Audit and Finance Committee Members (Dan MacAllister and Sharon Whitehurst-Payne) [ yes ]
E.5. Board Member Appointment/Reappointment to California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate Assembly and San Diego County School Boards Association (SDCSBA) Representative (Reappoint Sabrina Bazzo, appoint Shana Hazan to replace Cody Petterson) [ yes ]
E.6. Approval of Revisions to Existing Board Policies (BP), Administrative Regulations (AR) and Exhibits (E) [ yes ]
E.7. Formation of a Student Outcomes Focused Governance (SOFG) Task Force (Hazan/Petterson) (Task Force members: Shana Hazan, Sharon Whitehurst-Payne, Quinton Baldis, Joseph Cruz, member of the Student Advisory Board-TBD, Interim Superintendent or designee, Board Services Director, CGCS Consultant) [ yes ]
A First Reading was conducted on the following item, with action to be taken at a later date:
E.2. Public Hearing to Consider Renewal of Charter Petition for Health Sciences High and Middle College
The next regular meeting will be held on January 14, 2025.
*Student preferential votes do not change numerical official vote of Trustees.