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STORY: Nationwide, student test scores are ‘not good.’ But the data shows ‘a different pattern for San Diego.’

Nationwide, student test scores are ‘not good.’ But the data shows ‘a different pattern for San Diego.’
Posted on 02/01/2025

SAN DIEGO -- San Diego Unified School District students’ performance in math and reading has stayed relatively steady on national tests this year, and their scores have nearly returned to pre-pandemic levels in fourth-grade math, new standardized test data shows.

Wednesday’s release of scores from last year’s National Assessment of Educational Progress, known as the “Nation’s Report Card,” is the second since the COVID-19 pandemic began, upending student learning.

San Diego Unified’s trends this year reflect a nationwide increase in fourth-grade math, but they depart from declines in other subjects seen elsewhere, said a statistician with the test’s administration center.

“There is kind of a different pattern for San Diego,” said Ebony Walton, statistician with the National Center for Education Statistics, which administers the NAEP.

Read entire article from The San Diego Union Tribune: https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/2025/01/29/nationwide-student-test-scores-are-not-good-but-data-reflects-a-different-pattern-for-san-diego/